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Ayelen Noemí Lambert Guillaume


This text is an attempt to think -and to invite to think- about female sexuality in the present time. It is constructed from the voices of other women, and acknowledges the narratives that, even here, are still absent. It understands that sexuality is much more than sex, which is why it is possible to associate the forms of pleasure (or displeasure) with more or less historical stories, with memories, with fears, with prejudices, etc. because that, although it may seem far from intimacy, is also part of it. It has a simple language, because the bet is not to get entangled in other people's words, but rather, in one's own experiences: that at the end of the reading, more than information, there is restlessness. Many women speak here, who wish to make many more speak.


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How to Cite
LEARNING PLEASURE: WOMEN WHO ENJOY. (2024). SASH Journal, 5(1), 108-116. https://doi.org/10.58751/1yxnq952

How to Cite

LEARNING PLEASURE: WOMEN WHO ENJOY. (2024). SASH Journal, 5(1), 108-116. https://doi.org/10.58751/1yxnq952